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File Event Querying

EventQuery Class

Use the EventQuery class to create a query for searching and filtering file events. More details on how to use the EventQuery class can be found in the Query Building section below.

class _incydr_sdk.queries.file_events.EventQuery(start_date=None, end_date=None, *, groupClause='AND', groups=None, pgNum=1, pgSize=100, pgToken='', srtDir='asc', srtKey='', **kwargs)

Class to build a file event query. Use the class methods to attach additional filter operators.


  start_date: int, float, str, datetime, timedelta -  Start of the date range to query for events. Defaults to None.
  end_date: int, float, str, datetime - End of the date range to query for events.  Defaults to None.
equals(self, term, values)

Adds an equals filter to the query.

When passed as part of a query, returns events when the field corresponding to the filter term equals the indicated value(s).

Example: EventQuery(**kwargs).equals('file.category', 'Document') creates a query which will return file events where the file.category field is equal to Document.


  • term: str - The term which corresponds to a file event field.
  • values: str | List[str] - The value(s) for the term to match.
not_equals(self, term, values)

Adds an not_equals filter to the query. The opposite of the equals filter.

When passed as part of a query, returns events when the field corresponding to the filter term does not equal the indicated value(s).

Example: EventQuery(**kwargs).not_equals('file.category', 'Document') creates a query which will return file events where the file.category field is NOT equal to Document.


  • term: str - The term which corresponds to a file event field.
  • values: str | List[str] - The value(s) for the term to not match.
exists(self, term)

Adds an exists filter to the query. The opposite of the does_not_exist filter.

When passed as part of a query, returns events when the field corresponding to the filter term is not null.

Example: EventQuery(**kwargs).exists('risk.trustReason') creates a query which will return file events where the risk.trustReason field is populated with any not null value.


  • term: str - The term which corresponds to a file event field.
does_not_exist(self, term)

Adds a does_not_exist filter to the query.

When passed as part of a query, returns events when the field corresponding to the filter term is null.

Example: EventQuery(**kwargs).does_not_exist('risk.TrustReason') creates a query which will return file events where the risk.trustReason field is null.


  • term: str - The term which corresponds to a file event field.
greater_than(self, term, value)

Adds a greater_than filter to the query. The opposite of the less_than filter.

When passed as part of a query, returns events when the field corresponding to the filter term is greater than the indicated value.

Example: EventQuery(**kwargs).greater_than('risk.score', 10) creates a query which will return file events where the risk.score field is greater than 10.


  • term: str - The term which corresponds to a file event field.
  • values: int - The value for the term to be greater than.
less_than(self, term, value)

Adds a less_thn filter to the query. The opposite of the greater_than filter.

When passed as part of a query, returns events when the field corresponding to the filter term is less than the indicated value.

Example: EventQuery(**kwargs).less_than('risk.score', 10) creates a query which will return file events where the risk.score field is less than 10.


  • term: str - The term which corresponds to a file event field.
  • values: int - The value for the term to be less than.

Sets operator to combine multiple filters to OR. Returns events that match at least one of the filters in the query.

Default operator is AND, which returns events that match all filters in the query.

Query Building

The EventQuery class can be imported directly from the incydr module.

# import the EventQuery class
from incydr import EventQuery

The EventQuery(start_date=None, end_date=None) class takes a start date and/or an end date in various forms, including a timestamp string, a datetime object, or a number (float, int).

The start_date param can also take a duration (ex. filter for events which occurred in the last week) in the form of an ISO-duration string or a datetime.timedelta object.

All of the following examples are valid start_date values.

import datetime

# Filter for events after September 10th, 2020
start_str = "2020-09-10 11:12:13"  # string formatted as "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

start_datetime = datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) # datetime object

start_utc = 1599736333.0  # UTC timestamp

# Filter for events that occurred in the last 7 days
start_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=7)

start_iso_duration = "P7D"

Additional filters can be attached to the query by using the EventQuery class methods. Each of these methods takes a str term to filter on as their first argument, specifically an EventSearchTerm which matches a file event field (ex: 'risk.severity'). If applicable the second argument is the value(s) to compare.

The following operators are available for filtering:

  • equals
  • not_equals
  • exists
  • does_not_exist
  • greater_than
  • less_than

More detailed documentation on these methods is available above in the EventQuery documentation.

# to create a query which filters events which have the file category of 'Document' or 'Audio' from the past 1 day

query = EventQuery('P1D').equals('file.category', ['Document', 'Audio'])

# to create a query which filters events based on the following criteria:
#       - occurred from 10-10-2020 to 11-10-2020.
#       - 'event.action' is not equal to 'file-created'
#       - 'risk.score' is greater than 10

start_date = "2020-10-10 11:12:13"
end_date = "2020-11-10 11:12:13"
query = EventQuery(start_date, end_date).not_equals('event.action', 'file-created').greater_than('risk.score', 10)

To assist with the equals() and not_equals() methods, the following search terms have corresponding enum classes to specify valid filter values:

For example, the EventAction enum class provides all valid values for the event.action file event field.

Pass the event query object to the method to get the results.

Saved Searches

You can convert a saved search response object into an EventQuery to be used for searching using the EventQuery.from_saved_search() class method:

import incydr

client = incydr.Client(**kwargs)

saved_search = client.file_events.v2.get_saved_search("<saved_search_id>")
query = incydr.EventQuery.from_saved_search(saved_search)

results =


To facilitate paging when a search query results in more total file events found than the .page_size value of the query (the maximum page size is 10,000 events), the file events search endpoint accepts a "page token" parameter, which indicates which event ID the currently requested page should start at.

By default, an EventQuery sets the .page_token value to an empty string (""), which tells the file events service that this is the initial query and that it should return the next page token value in the response.


If .page_token is set to None, then the response will not contain a next page token value, and pagination will need to be done manually by incrementing the .page_num property of the query.

Using page numbers will only result in a maximum of 10,000 events returned, so it is recommended to always use page tokens.

The method will automatically update the query object it receives with the next page token, so fetching multiple pages of results is as simple as re-running the .search() method with the same query object until the server sends a null page token value (meaning there are no more results):

import incydr
from datetime import timedelta

client = incydr.Client(**kwargs)
query = incydr.EventQuery(start_date=timedelta(days=10))

while query.page_token is not None:
    response =
    for event in response.file_events:
        ... # process events here