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Sessions Commands


View and manage Incydr Sessions, including Alerts.

Sessions group all Incydr activity for an individual actor within a specific time frame. Sessions may include file events, alerts, Instructor lessons, and more. A single session can contain one or more alerts.

Alerts are triggered when user file activity matches criteria defined in your alert rules. Alerts are included within sessions to group related activity and provide additional context.


sessions [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --log-stderr      Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT   Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT  Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

sessions bulk-update-state

Bulk update the state of multiple sessions. Optionally attach a note.

NEW_STATE specifies the new state to which sessions will be updated. Must be one of the following: 'OPEN', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED_TP', 'CLOSED_FP', 'OPEN_NEW_DATA'

Takes a single arg FILE which specifies the path to the file (use "-" to read from stdin). File format can either be CSV or JSON Lines format (Default is CSV).

The --state and --note options to this command will override respective columns/keys in the CSV/JSON input.

Accepts the following columns:

  • session_id (required)
  • state (required if --state option is not provided)
  • note (optional)

If --state is not provided, the CSV/JSON input must have a state column/key for each row/object.


sessions bulk-update-state [OPTIONS] FILE


                                  Override CSV/JSON input's `state` value with
                                  this value.
  --note TEXT                     Override CSV/JSON input's `note` value with
                                  this value.
  -f, --format [csv|json-lines]   Specify format of input file: 'csv' or
                                  'json-lines'.  Defaults to 'csv'.
  --log-stderr                    Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                 Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT                Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Search sessions.

Defaults to only include sessions that have alerts associated with them. Use the --no-alerts option to view sessions without any alerts.


sessions search [OPTIONS]


  --checkpoint TEXT               Use a checkpoint with the given name to only
                                  get search results that were not previously
                                  retrieved. If a checkpoint for the search
                                  with the given name doesn't exist, it will
                                  be created on the first run. Subsequent CLI
                                  runs with this option and the same name will
                                  use the stored checkpoint to modify the
                                  search query and then update the stored
                                  checkpoint.Checkpointing is most accurate
                                  with json outputs.  For table and csv
                                  formats, checkpointing will track the last
                                  returned event in the table.
  --actor-id TEXT                 Limit search to sessions generated by this
  --start TEXT                    Limit search to sessions beginning on or
                                  after this date and time. Accepts a
                                  date/time in yyyy-MM-dd (UTC) or yyyy-MM-dd
                                  HH:MM:SS (UTC+24-hr time) format.
  --end TEXT                      Limit search to sessions beginning before
                                  this date and time. Accepts a date/time in
                                  yyyy-MM-dd (UTC) or yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS
                                  (UTC+24-hr time) format.
  --no-alerts                     Limit search to sessions that do NOT have
                                  alerts associated with them.
  --risk-indicators TEXT          A CSV list of risk indicator IDs. Limit
                                  search to sessions that include these risk
                                  Limit search to sessions with this state.
                                  Can be specified multiple times to include
                                  multiple values.
                                  Specify one or more severity levels, can be
                                  specified multiple times to include multiple
                                  values. Limit search to sessions that have
                                  the matching severity value(s).
  --rule-id TEXT                  A rule ID. Limit search to sessions
                                  associated with this rule. Can be specified
                                  multiple times to include multiple values.
  --watchlist-id TEXT             A watchlist ID. Limit search to sessions
                                  associated with this watchlist. Can be
                                  specified multiple times to include multiple
  --content-inspection-status [PENDING|FOUND|NOT_FOUND]
                                  Limit search to sessions with the given
                                  content inspection status.
  -f, --format TABLEFORMAT        Format to print result. One of 'table',
                                  'json-pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. If
                                  environment has INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set,
                                  defaults to 'json-lines', else defaults to
  --columns TEXT                  Comma-delimited string of column names.
                                  Nested values should be specified in dot-
                                  notation. Limits output to contain only the
                                  specified columns in CSV or Table format.
                                  Ignored for JSON output formats.
  --log-stderr                    Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                 Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT                Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

sessions show

Show the details of a single session.


sessions show [OPTIONS] SESSION_ID


  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  -f, --format SINGLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'rich', 'json-
                             pretty', or 'json-lines'. If environment has
                             INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                             lines', else defaults to 'rich'.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

sessions show-events

Show the details of a single session.


sessions show-events [OPTIONS] SESSION_ID


  --log-stderr                    Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                 Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT                Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --columns TEXT                  Comma-delimited string of column names.
                                  Nested values should be specified in dot-
                                  notation. Limits output to contain only the
                                  specified columns in CSV or Table format.
                                  Ignored for JSON output formats.
  -f, --format TABLEFORMAT        Format to print result. One of 'table',
                                  'json-pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. If
                                  environment has INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set,
                                  defaults to 'json-lines', else defaults to
  --ignore-cert-validation BOOLEAN
                                  Set to skip CA certificate validation for
                                  the TLS-TCP protocol. Incompatible with the
                                  'certs' option.
  --certs TEXT                    A CA certificates-chain file for the TLS-TCP
  --output TEXT                   Use to send the raw-json data in to a syslog
                                  server.  Pass a string in the format
                                  PROTOCOL:HOSTNAME:PORT to output to the
                                  specified server endpoint, where format is
                                  either TCP, TLS-TCP, or UDP (ex:
                                  TCP:localhost:5000). Also accepts strings of
                                  the format HOSTNAME and HOSTNAME:PORT.
                                  Defaults to TCP protocol on port 601. The
                                  --certs or --ignore-cert-validation option
                                  can be used with TLS-TCP format.  Note that
                                  most data will be too large to be sent via
                                  UDP protocol.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

sessions update

Update the state of and/or the note attached to the session.


sessions update [OPTIONS] SESSION_ID


                                  Update a session's state.
  --note TEXT                     Add a note to the session. Takes the notes
                                  content with a 2000 character max.
  --log-stderr                    Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                 Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT                Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.