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Actors Commands


View and manage Incydr actors.

Actors are identities that generate events collected by Incydr. User cloud accounts are consolidated into a single actor through adoption, which tie related actors to one parent actor.

The actor commands can be used to retrieve information about actors and their relationships.




  --log-stderr      Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT   Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT  Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

actors list

List actors.


actors list [OPTIONS]


  --active / --inactive     Filter by active or inactive actors. Defaults to
                            returning both when when neither option is passed.
  --name-starts-with TEXT   Find actors whose name (e.g. username/email)
                            starts with this text, ignoring case.
  --name-ends-with TEXT     Find actors whose name (e.g. username/email) ends
                            with this text, ignoring case.
  --prefer-parent           Returns an actor's parent when applicable. Returns
                            an actor themselves if they have no parent.
  -f, --format TABLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'table', 'json-
                            pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. If environment has
                            INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                            lines', else defaults to 'table'.
  --columns TEXT            Comma-delimited string of column names. Nested
                            values should be specified in dot-notation. Limits
                            output to contain only the specified columns in
                            CSV or Table format.  Ignored for JSON output
  --log-stderr              Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT           Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT          Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

actors show

Show actor details.

Specify actor by ID or name, either --actor-id or --name is required.


actors show [OPTIONS]


  --actor-id TEXT            Get an actor by actor ID.
  --name TEXT                Get an actor by actor name, typically a
                             username/email address.
  --prefer-parent            Returns an actor's parent when applicable.
                             Returns an actor themselves if they have no
  -f, --format SINGLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'rich', 'json-
                             pretty', or 'json-lines'. If environment has
                             INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                             lines', else defaults to 'rich'.
  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

actors show-family

Show an actors family.

Specify actor by ID or name, either --actor-id or --name is required.

An actor family consists of the the parent actor and any associated children.


actors show-family [OPTIONS]


  --actor-id TEXT            Get an actor family by the actor ID of one of its
  --name TEXT                Get an actor family by the actor name of one of
                             its members, where name is typically a
                             username/email address.
  -f, --format SINGLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'rich', 'json-
                             pretty', or 'json-lines'. If environment has
                             INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                             lines', else defaults to 'rich'.
  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.