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class _incydr_sdk.watchlists.client.WatchlistsV2(parent)

Client for /v2/watchlists endpoints.

Usage example:

>>> import incydr
>>> client = incydr.Client(**kwargs)
>>> client.watchlists.v2.get_page()
add_departments(self, watchlist_id, departments)

Include departments on a watchlist. Use the departments client to see available departments.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • departments: str, List[str] (required) - List of departments to include on the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

add_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id, group_ids)

Include directory groups on a watchlist. Use the directory_groups client to see available directory groups.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • group_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of directory group IDs to include on the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

add_excluded_actors(self, watchlist_id, actor_ids)

Exclude individual actors from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique actor IDs to exclude from the watchlist. A maximum of 100 actors can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

add_included_actors(self, watchlist_id, actor_ids)

Include individual actors on a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique actor IDs to include on the watchlist. A maximum of 100 actors can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

create(self, watchlist_type, title=None, description=None)

Create a new watchlist.


  • watchlist_type: WatchlistType (required) - Type of the watchlist to create.
  • title: The required title for a custom watchlist.
  • description: The optional description for a custom watchlist.

Returns: A 'Watchlist` object.

delete(self, watchlist_id)

Delete a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

get(self, watchlist_id)

Get a single watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: A Watchlist object.

get_department(self, watchlist_id, department)

Get an included department from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • department: str (required) - A included department.

Returns: An IncludedDepartment object.

get_directory_group(self, watchlist_id, group_id)

Get an included directory group from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • group_id: str (required) - Directory group ID.

Returns: An IncludedDirectoryGroup object.

get_excluded_actor(self, watchlist_id, actor_id)

Get an excluded actor from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_id: str (required) - Unique actor ID.

Returns: A WatchlistActor object.

get_id_by_name(self, name)

Get a watchlist ID by either its type (ex: DEPARTING_EMPLOYEE) or its title in the case of CUSTOM watchlists.


  • name: str, WatchlistType (required) - A WatchlistType or in the case of CUSTOM watchlists, the watchlist title.

Returns: A watchlist ID (str).

get_included_actor(self, watchlist_id, actor_id)

Get an included actor from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_id: str (required) - Unique actor ID.

Returns: A WatchlistActor object.

get_member(self, watchlist_id, actor_id)

Get a single member of a watchlist. A member may have been added as an included actor, or is a member of an included department, etc.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_id: str (required) - Unique actor ID.

Returns: A WatchlistActor object.

get_page(self, page_num=1, page_size=None, actor_id=None)

Get a page of watchlists.

Filter results by passing appropriate parameters:


  • page_num: int - Page number for results, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int - Max number of results to return for a page.
  • actor_id: str - Matches watchlists where the actor is a member.

Returns: A WatchlistsPage object.

iter_all(self, page_size=None, actor_id=None)

Iterate over all watchlists.

Accepts the same parameters as .get_page() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator yielding individual Watchlist objects.

iter_all_departments(self, watchlist_id, page_size=None)

Iterate over all departments included on a watchlist.

Accepts the same parameters as .list_departments() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator yielding individual IncludedDepartment objects.

iter_all_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id, page_size=None)

Iterate over all directory groups included on a watchlist.

Accepts the same parameters as .list_directory_groups() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator yielding individual IncludedDirectoryGroup objects.

iter_all_excluded_actors(self, watchlist_id, page_size=None)

Iterate over all individual actors excluded from a watchlist.

Accepts the same parameters as .list_excluded_actors() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator yielding individual WatchlistActor objects.

iter_all_included_actors(self, watchlist_id, page_size=None)

Iterate over all individual actors included on a watchlist.

Accepts the same parameters as .list_included_actors() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator yielding individual WatchlistActor objects.

iter_all_members(self, watchlist_id, page_size=None)

Iterate over all members of a watchlist. These actors may have been added as an included actor, or are members of an included department, etc.

Accepts the same parameters as .list_members() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator that yields WatchlistActor objects.

list_departments(self, watchlist_id, page_num=None, page_size=None)

List departments included on a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • page_num: int - Page number for results, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int - Max number of results to return for a page.

Returns: An IncludedDepartmentsList object.

list_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id, page_num=None, page_size=None)

List directory groups included on a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • page_num: int (optional) - The page number to fetch, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int (optional) - Max number of results to return for a page.

Returns: An IncludedDirectoryGroupsList object.

list_excluded_actors(self, watchlist_id, page_num=None, page_size=None)

List individual actors excluded from a watchlist.

  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • page_num: int (optional) - The page number to fetch, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int (optional) - Max number of results to return for a page.

Returns: An ExcludedActorsList object.

list_included_actors(self, watchlist_id, page_num=None, page_size=None)

List individual actors included on a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • page_num: int (optional) - The page number to fetch, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int (optional) - Max number of results to return for a page.

Returns: An IncludedActorsList object.

list_members(self, watchlist_id, page_num=None, page_size=None)

Get a list of all members of a watchlist. These actors may have been added as an included actor, or are members of an included department, etc.


  • watchlist_id: str(required) - Watchlist ID.
  • page_num: int (optional) - The page number to fetch, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int (optional) - Max number of results to return for a page.

Returns: A WatchlistMembersListV2 object.

remove_departments(self, watchlist_id, departments)

Remove included departments from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str - Watchlist ID or a watchlist type. An ID must be provided for custom watchlists.
  • departments: str, List[str] (required) - List of departments to remove from the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

remove_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id, group_ids)

Remove included directory groups from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • group_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of directory group IDs to remove from the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

remove_excluded_actors(self, watchlist_id, actor_ids)

Remove excluded actors from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique actor IDs to remove from the exclusion list. A maximum of 100 actors can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

remove_included_actors(self, watchlist_id, actor_ids)

Remove included actors from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • actor_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique actor IDs to remove from the watchlist. A maximum of 100 actors can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

update(self, watchlist_id, title=None, description=None)

Update a custom watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • title: str - Updated title for a custom watchlist. Defaults to None.
  • **description: str - Updated description for a custom watchlist. Pass an empty string to clear this field. Defaults to None.

Returns: A Watchlist object.

class _incydr_sdk.watchlists.client.WatchlistsV1(parent)

Client for /v1/watchlists endpoints.

This client is deprecated. Use the WatchlistsV2 client instead.

Usage example:

>>> import incydr
>>> client = incydr.Client(**kwargs)
>>> client.watchlists.v1.get_page()
add_departments(self, watchlist_id, departments)

Include departments on a watchlist. Use the departments client to see available departments.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • departments: str, List[str] (required) - List of departments to include on the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

add_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id, group_ids)

Include directory groups on a watchlist. Use the directory_groups client to see available directory groups.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • group_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of directory group IDs to include on the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

add_excluded_users(self, watchlist_id, user_ids)

Exclude individual users from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique user IDs to exclude from the watchlist. A maximum of 100 users can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

add_included_users(self, watchlist_id, user_ids)

Include individual users on a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique user IDs to include on the watchlist. A maximum of 100 users can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

create(self, watchlist_type, title=None, description=None)

Create a new watchlist.


  • watchlist_type: WatchlistType (required) - Type of the watchlist to create.
  • title: The required title for a custom watchlist.
  • description: The optional description for a custom watchlist.

Returns: A 'Watchlist` object.

delete(self, watchlist_id)

Delete a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

get(self, watchlist_id)

Get a single watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: A Watchlist object.

get_department(self, watchlist_id, department)

Get an included department from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • department: str (required) - A included department.

Returns: An IncludedDepartment object.

get_directory_group(self, watchlist_id, group_id)

Get an included directory group from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • group_id: str (required) - Directory group ID.

Returns: An IncludedDirectoryGroup object.

get_excluded_user(self, watchlist_id, user_id)

Get an excluded user from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_id: str (required) - Unique user ID.

Returns: A WatchlistUser object.

get_id_by_name(self, name)

Get a watchlist ID by either its type (ex: DEPARTING_EMPLOYEE) or its title in the case of CUSTOM watchlists.


  • name: str, WatchlistType (required) - A WatchlistType or in the case of CUSTOM watchlists, the watchlist title.

Returns: A watchlist ID (str).

get_included_user(self, watchlist_id, user_id)

Get an included user from a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_id: str (required) - Unique user ID.

Returns: A WatchlistUser object.

get_member(self, watchlist_id, user_id)

Get a single member of a watchlist. A member may have been added as an included user, or is a member of an included department, etc.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_id: str (required) - Unique user ID.

Returns: A WatchlistUser object.

get_page(self, page_num=1, page_size=None, user_id=None)

Get a page of watchlists.

Filter results by passing appropriate parameters:


  • page_num: int - Page number for results, starting at 1.
  • page_size: int - Max number of results to return for a page.
  • user_id: str - Matches watchlists where the user is a member.

Returns: A WatchlistsPage object.

iter_all(self, page_size=None, user_id=None)

Iterate over all watchlists.

Accepts the same parameters as .get_page() excepting page_num.

Returns: A generator yielding individual Watchlist objects.

list_departments(self, watchlist_id)

List departments included on a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: An IncludedDepartmentsList object.

list_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id)

List directory groups included on a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: An IncludedUsersList object.

list_excluded_users(self, watchlist_id)

List individual users excluded from a watchlist.

  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: An ExcludedUsersList object.

list_included_users(self, watchlist_id)

List individual users included on a watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: An IncludedUsersList object.

list_members(self, watchlist_id)

Get a list of all members of a watchlist. These users may have been added as an included user, or are members of an included department, etc.


  • watchlist_id: str(required) - Watchlist ID.

Returns: A WatchlistMembersList object.

remove_departments(self, watchlist_id, departments)

Remove included departments from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str - Watchlist ID or a watchlist type. An ID must be provided for custom watchlists.
  • departments: str, List[str] (required) - List of departments to remove from the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

remove_directory_groups(self, watchlist_id, group_ids)

Remove included directory groups from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • group_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of directory group IDs to remove from the watchlist.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

remove_excluded_users(self, watchlist_id, user_ids)

Remove excluded users from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique user IDs to remove from the exclusion list. A maximum of 100 users can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

remove_included_users(self, watchlist_id, user_ids)

Remove included users from a watchlist.


  • watchlist: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • user_ids: str, List[str] (required) - List of unique user IDs to remove from the watchlist. A maximum of 100 users can be processed in a single request.

Returns: A requests.Response indicating success.

update(self, watchlist_id, title=None, description=None)

Update a custom watchlist.


  • watchlist_id: str (required) - Watchlist ID.
  • title: str - Updated title for a custom watchlist. Defaults to None.
  • **description: str - Updated description for a custom watchlist. Pass an empty string to clear this field. Defaults to None.

Returns: A Watchlist object.