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Incydr SDK's Pydantic models default to snake_case for all field attribute names for consistency, and by default will convert names to the casing expected by the API endpoint when serializing the data using the model's .json() and .dict() methods.

For example, if the server returns a response with a JSON key of createdAt, the value will be accessible on the model via Model.created_at, but calling Model.json() will output with a key of createdAt so the data can be used in further requests.

Fields where a transormation has been applied are marked with json_alias=<aliasName> below.

See Pydantic documentation for full list of available model methods.


Actor model

class incydr.models.Actor(*, active=None, actorId=None, alternateNames=None, country=None, department=None, division=None, employeeType=None, endDate=None, firstName=None, inScope=None, lastName=None, locality=None, managerActorId=None, name=None, notes=None, parentActorId=None, region=None, startDate=None, title=None, **extra_data)

A model representing an Actor.


  • active: bool Whether or not the actor is active.
  • actor_id: str The unique ID of the actor.
  • alternate_names: List[str] A list of other names the actor may have.
  • country: str The actor's country.
  • department: str The actor's department.
  • division: str The actor's division.
  • employee_type: str The actor's employment type, such as if they're a contractor.
  • end_date: str The actor's end date.
  • first_name: str The first (given) name of the actor.
  • in_scope: str The actor's scope state. An actor is considered "in scope" if their activity is monitored in at least one data source.
  • last_name: str The last (family) name of the actor.
  • locality: str - The actor's locality (city).
  • manager_actor_id: str The actor ID of the actor's manager.
  • name: str The actor's (eg. full username/email) name.
  • notes: str Notes about the actor.
  • parentActorId: str The actor ID of this actor's parent actor. (if the actor has a parent).
  • region: str The actor's region (state).
  • start_date: str The actor's start date.
  • title: str The actor's job title.

ActorFamily model

class incydr.models.ActorFamily(*, children, parent, **extra_data)

A model representing an actor family.

An actor family consists of one or more child actors adopted by a single parent. If an actor is not associated with any other actors, the family consists of only the single actor.


  • children: List[Actor] The list of child actors associated with the parent.
  • parent: Actor The parent actor of the family.

ActorsPage` model

class incydr.models.ActorsPage(*, actors, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of Actors


  • actors: List[Actor] The list of actors returned from the query.


Agent model

class incydr.models.Agent(*, agentId=None, name=None, userId=None, osHostname=None, osName=None, machineId=None, serialNumber=None, active=None, agentType=None, agentHealthIssueTypes=None, appVersion=None, productVersion=None, lastConnected=None, externalReference=None, creationDate=None, modificationDate=None, **extra_data)

A model representing an Incydr agent.


  • agent_id: str The globally unique ID (guid) for this agent.
  • name: str The editable name of the agent.
  • user_id: str The unique ID of the user the agent is assigned to.
  • os_hostname: str The hostname reported by the OS the agent is running on.
  • os_name: str The name of the OS the agent is running on.
  • machine_id: str Device machine ID.
  • serial_number: str Authenticated agent serial number.
  • active: bool If the agent status is active.
  • agent_type: AgentType The type of agent.
  • **agent_health_issue_types: List[str] List of health issues with the agent. Health issue types include the following: NOT_CONNECTING, NOT_SENDING_SECURITY_EVENTS, SECURITY_INGEST_REJECTED, MISSING_MACOS_PERMISSION_FULL_DISK_ACCESS, MISSING_MACOS_PERMISSION_ACCESSIBILITY.
  • app_version: str The app version of the agent.
  • product_version: str The product version of the agent.
  • last_connected: datetime The time the agent last connected to a Code42 Authority server.
  • external_reference: str Editable reference information (useful for identifying an agent in external systems).
  • creation_date: datetime The time the agent was first registered.
  • modification_date: datetime The time the agent's database entry was last updated.

AgentsPage model

class incydr.models.AgentsPage(*, agents, totalCount, pageSize, page, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of Agents.


  • agents: List[Agent] The list of agents returned from the query.
  • total_count: int Total number of agents found in query results.
  • page_size: int The maximum number of agents returned in query results page.
  • page_num: int The current page number of the query result set.

Alerts (Deprecated)

Alerts has been replaced by Sessions.

AlertDetails model

class incydr.models.AlertDetails(*, tenantId, type, id=None, createdAt, state, stateLastModifiedBy=None, stateLastModifiedAt=None, name=None, description=None, actor=None, actorId=None, target=None, severity=None, riskSeverity=None, ruleId=None, watchlists=None, observations=None, note=None, **extra_data)

A model representing the full details of an alert. Includes all the fields from AlertSummary plus file event observations (the events that triggered the alert), and any notes that have been added to the alert.


  • observations: List[Observation] List of observed file events that triggered the alert.
  • note: str Most recent note added to the alert.

AlertSummary model

class incydr.models.AlertSummary(*, tenantId, type, id=None, createdAt, state, stateLastModifiedBy=None, stateLastModifiedAt=None, name=None, description=None, actor=None, actorId=None, target=None, severity=None, riskSeverity=None, ruleId=None, watchlists=None, **extra_data)

A model representing an alert summary.


  • tenant_id: str The unique identifier representing the tenant.
  • type: RuleType Rule type that generated the alert.
  • id: str The unique id of the alert.
  • created_at: datetime The timestamp when the alert was created.
  • state: AlertState The current state of the alert.
  • state_last_modified_by: str The actor who last modified the alert state.
  • state_last_modified_at: datetime The timestamp when the alert state was last modified.
  • name: str The name of the alert. Same as the name of the rule that triggered it.
  • description: str The description of the alert. Same as the description of the rule that triggered it.
  • actor: str The user who triggered the alert.
  • actor_id: str The user id who triggered the alert, if it is available.
  • target: str Unused legacy property.
  • severity: AlertSeverity Indicates static rule severity of the alert. (Deprecated)
  • risk_severity: RiskSeverity Indicates event risk severity of the alert.
  • rule_id: str The unique id corresponding to the rule which triggered the alert.
  • watchlists: str Watchlists the actor is on at the time of the alert (if any).

AlertQueryPage model

class incydr.models.AlertQueryPage(*, type, alerts=None, totalCount, problems=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of AlertSummary objects resulting from an alert search query.


  • alerts: List[AlertSummary] List of alerts that found by query.
  • total_count: int The count of alerts found.
  • problems: List[QueryProblem] Potential issues that were hit while trying to run the query.

Alert Rules

RuleUser model

class incydr.models.RuleUser(*, userIdFromAuthority=None, aliases=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a user assigned to a rule.


  • user_id_from_authority: str - A unique Code42 user ID.
  • user_alias_list: List[str] - List of user aliases associated with the user.

RuleUsersList model

class incydr.models.RuleUsersList(*, id=None, users=None, mode=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of users associated with a rule, as well as the rule's configuration mode to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE those users.


  • id: str - Unique ID of the rule.
  • users: List[RuleUser] - A list of users in the rule's username filter.
  • mode: str - Indicates how to filter on the user list. Specifies whether to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE the listed users from the rule.

RuleDetails model

class incydr.models.RuleDetails(*, name=None, description=None, severity=None, isEnabled=None, source=None, notifications=None, education=None, vectors=None, filters=None, id=None, createdAt=None, createdBy=None, modifiedAt=None, modifiedBy=None, isSystemRule=None, **extra_data)

Audit Log

AuditEventsPage model

class incydr.models.AuditEventsPage(*, events=None, paginationRangeEndIndex=None, paginationRangeStartIndex=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of audit events.


  • events: List[Dict[Optional[str], Any]] A list of zero or more events matching the given criteria. Each event is represented as a dictionary of property names associated with that event. These fields may differ from event to event.
  • pagination_range_end_index: int The index of the last result returned, in relation to total results found.
  • pagination_range_start_index: int The index of the first result returned, in relation to total results found.


Case model

class incydr.models.Case(*, number=None, name=None, createdAt=None, updatedAt=None, subject=None, subjectUsername=None, status, assignee=None, assigneeUsername=None, createdByUserUid=None, createdByUsername=None, lastModifiedByUserUid=None, lastModifiedByUsername=None, archivalTime=None, **extra_data)

A model representing an Incydr Case.


  • number: int Unique numeric identifier for the case.
  • name: str Unique name given to the case.
  • created_at: datetime Time at which the case was created. json_alias=createdAt
  • updated_at: datetime | None Time at which the case was last updated. json_alias=updatedAt
  • subject: str | None The user UID of the subject being investigated in this case.
  • subject_username: str | None The username of the subject being investigated in this case. json_alias=subjectUsername
  • status: CaseStatus Indicates the status of the case. OPEN: The case is active and all aspects of the case are editable. CLOSED: The case is resolved. Closed cases cannot be re-opened or modified. Case data for closed cases is retained indefinitely.
  • assignee: str | None The user ID of the administrator assigned to investigate the case.
  • assignee_username: str | None The username of the administrator assigned to investigate the case. json_alias=assigneeUsername
  • created_by_user_id: str | None User UID of the user who created the case. json_alias=createdByUserUid
  • created_by_username: str | None Username of the user who created the case. json_alias=createdByUsername
  • last_modified_by_user_id: str | None User UID of the user who last modified the case. json_alias=lastModifiedByUserUid
  • last_modified_by_username: str | None Username of the user who last modified the case. json_alias=lastModifiedByUsername
  • archival_time: datetime Time at which the case will be archived.

CasesPage model

class incydr.models.CasesPage(*, cases, totalCount, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of Case objects.


  • cases: List[Case] The list of n number of cases retrieved from the query, where n=page_size.
  • total_count: int Total count of cases found by the query.

CaseFileEvents model

class incydr.models.CaseFileEvents(*, events=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing file events associated with a case.


  • events: List[FileEvent] - List of events in the response..
  • total_count: int - Total number of events associated with the case.


Customer model

class incydr.models.Customer(*, name=None, registrationKey=None, tenantId=None, **extra_data)

A model providing details of an Incydr customer account.


  • name: str The Code42 account name.
  • registration_key: str The Code42 registration key (primarily for licensing purposes).
  • tenant_id: str The unique identifier for the account within Code42.


DepartmentsPage model

class incydr.models.DepartmentsPage(*, departments=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of departments.


  • departments: List[str] - The list of n department names retrieved by the query, where n=page_size.
  • total_count: int - Total count of departments retrieved by the query.

Devices (Deprecated)

Devices has been replaced by Agents.

Device model

class incydr.models.Device(*, deviceId=None, legacyDeviceId=None, name=None, osHostname=None, status=None, active=None, blocked=None, alertState=None, userId=None, legacyUserId=None, orgId=None, legacyOrgId=None, orgGuid=None, externalReferenceInfo=None, notes=None, lastConnected=None, osVersion=None, osArch=None, address=None, remoteAddress=None, timeZone=None, version=None, build=None, creationDate=None, modificationDate=None, loginDate=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a device.


  • device_id: str - The globally unique ID (guid) for this device.
  • legacy_device_id: str - The device ID to use for older console-based APIs that require a device ID.
  • name: str - The device name.
  • os_hostname: str - The device hostname according to the device's OS.
  • status: str - The device status. One of [Active, Deactivated, Blocked, Deauthorized (Active/Deactivated followed by optional Blocked and/or Deauthorized).
  • active: bool - Whether or not the device is active. If true, the device will show up on reports, etc.
  • blocked: bool - Whether or not the device is blocked. If true, restores and logins are disabled.
  • alert_state: int - The device's alert state. One of [0=ok, 1=connection warning, 2=connection critical].
  • user_id: str - The globally unique ID for this user.
  • legacy_user_id: str - The user ID to use for older console-based APIs that require a user ID.
  • org_id: str - An ID for the Code42 organization of the user owning this device.
  • legacy_org_id: str - The org ID to use for older console-based APIs that require an org ID.
  • org_guid: str - The globally unique org ID. This is the org identifier that should be used for all org-related API actions.
  • external_reference: str - Optional external reference information, such as a serial number, asset tag, employee ID, or help desk issue ID.
  • notes: str - Optional descriptive information for the device.
  • last_connected: datetime - The last day and time this device was connected to the server.
  • os_name: str - The device's operating system name. Ex: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, SunOS, etc.
  • os_version: str - The device's operating system version. Ex: 10.5.1, 6.2, etc.
  • *address: str - The device's internal IP address and port. Ex:
  • remote_address: str - The device's external IP address and port. Example:
  • time_zone: str - The device's time zone. Ex: Asia/Calcutta
  • version: str - The device product display version.
  • build: int - The device build version long number, will only be applicable to CP4/SP devices.
  • creation_date: datetime - The date and time this device was created.
  • modification_date: datetime - The date and time this device was last modified.
  • login_date: datetime - The date and time this device was last logged in.

DevicesPage model

class incydr.models.DevicesPage(*, totalCount=None, devices=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of Device objects.


  • devices: List[Device] - The list of n number of devices retrieved from the query, where n=page_size.
  • total_count: int - Total count of devices found by query.

Directory Groups

DirectoryGroup model

class incydr.models.DirectoryGroup(*, groupId=None, name=None, **extra_data)

DirectoryGroupsPage model

class incydr.models.DirectoryGroupsPage(*, directoryGroups=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of directory groups.


  • directory_groups: List[DirectoryGroup] - The list of n directory groups retrieved by the query, where n=page_size.
  • total_count: int - Total count of directory groups retrieved by the query.

File Events

FileEvent model

class incydr.models.FileEventV2(*, timestamp=None, destination=None, event=None, file=None, process=None, report=None, responseControls=None, risk=None, source=None, user=None, git=None, **extra_data)

New fields are often being made available on the event response and this model definition may not contain the most recent additions. See the response definition for the File Event Search API for the most up to date information on what data is available.


  • timestamp: - The date and time that the Code42 service on the device detected the event. This timestamp is based on the device’s system clock and reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  • destination: Destination - A [Destination] object containing metadata about the destination of the file event.
  • event: Event - An [Event] object containing summary information about the event.
  • file: File - A [File] object containing metadata about the file for this event.
  • process: Process - A [Process] object containing metadata about the process associated with the event.
  • report: Report - A [Report] object containing metadata for reports from 3rd party sources, such Salesforce downloads.
  • risk: Risk - A [Risk] object containing metadata on risk factors associated with the event.
  • source: Source - A [Source] object containing metadata about the source of the file event.
  • user: User - A [User] object containing metadata Attributes of the Code42 username signed in to the Code42 app on the device.
  • git: Git - A [Git] object containing git details for the event (if applicable).

FileEventsPage model

class incydr.models.FileEventsPage(*, fileEvents=None, nextPgToken=None, problems=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of FileEventV2 objects.


  • file_events: List[FileEventsV2] - The list of n number of file events retrieved from the query, where n=pg_size.
  • next_pg_token: str - The pgToken value from another request to indicate the starting point the next page of results. nextPgToken is null if there are no more results or if pgToken was not supplied.
  • problems: List[QueryProblem] - "List of problems in the request. A problem with a search request could be an invalid filter value, an operator that can't be used on a term, etc.
  • total_count: int - Total count of file events found by the query.

SavedSearch model

class incydr.models.SavedSearch(*, apiVersion=None, columns=None, createdByUID=None, createdByUsername=None, creationTimestamp=None, groupClause=None, groups=None, id=None, modifiedByUID=None, modifiedByUsername=None, modifiedTimestamp=None, name=None, notes=None, srtDir=None, srtKey=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a saved search.


  • api_version: int - The version of the API used to create the search.
  • columns: List[str] - The list of columns to be displayed in the web app for the search.
  • created_by_uid: str - The ID of the user who created the saved search.
  • created_by_username: str - The username of the user who created the saved search.
  • creation_timestamp: datetime - The time at which the saved search was created.
  • group_clause: GroupClause - AND or OR. Grouping clause for any specified groups. Defaults to AND.
  • groups: List[SearchFilterGroup] - One or more FilterGroups to be combined in a query.
  • id: str - The ID for the saved search.
  • modified_by_uid: str - The ID of the user who last modified the saved search.
  • modified_by_username: str - The username of the user who last modified the saved search.
  • modified_timestamp: datetime - The time at which the saved search was last modified.
  • name: str - The name given to the saved search.
  • notes: str - Optional notes about the search.
  • srt_dir: SortDirection - asc or desc. The direction in which to sort the response based on the corresponding key. Defaults to 'asc'.
  • srt_key: str - One or more values on which the response will be sorted. Defaults to event ID.


Role model

class incydr.models.Role(*, roleId=None, roleName=None, creationDate=None, modificationDate=None, permissions=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a role.


  • role_id: str - A role ID.
  • role_name: str - A role name.
  • modification_date: str - The date and time this role for the user was last modified.
  • creation_date: str - The date and time this role for the user was created.
  • permission_ids: str - The permission IDs associated with this role.

UpdateRolesResponse model

class incydr.models.UpdateRolesResponse(*, processedReplacementRoleIds=None, newlyAssignedRolesIds=None, unassignedRolesIds=None, ignoredRolesIds=None, **extra_data)

A model representing the response to updating a user's role.


  • processed_replacement_role_ids: List[str] - The role IDs processed.
  • newly_assigned_roles_ids: List[str] - The role IDs newly assigned to the user.
  • unassigned_roles_ids: List[str] - The role IDs unassigned from the user.
  • ignored_roles_ids: List[str] - The role IDs ignored.


class incydr.models.Session(*, actorId=None, beginTime=None, contentInspectionResults=None, contextSummary=None, criticalEvents=None, endTime=None, exfiltrationSummary=None, firstObserved=None, highEvents=None, lastUpdated=None, lowEvents=None, moderateEvents=None, noRiskEvents=None, notes=None, riskIndicators=None, scores=None, sessionId=None, states=None, tenantId=None, triggeredAlerts=None, userId=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a session summary.


  • actor_id: str The ID of the actor that generated the session.
  • begin_time: datetime The date and time when this session began.
  • content_inspection_results: List[ContentInspectionResult] The results of content inspection.
  • context_summary: str An English summary of the contextual aspects of this session is any were identified.
  • critical_events: int The number of events in the session with a critical risk severity.
  • end_time: datetime The date and time when this session ended.
  • exfiltration_summary: str An English summary of the exfiltration (if any) in this session.
  • first_observed: datetime The date and time at which this session was first observed.
  • high_events: int The number of events in the session with a high risk severity.
  • last_updated: datetime The date and time at which this session was last updated.
  • low_events: int The number of events in the session with a low risk severity
  • moderate_events: int The number of events in the session with a moderate risk severity.
  • no_risk_events: int The number of events in the session with a no risk severity.
  • notes: str The set of notes associated with this session.
  • risk_indicators: List[str] The list of risk indicator/weight combinations observed in this session.
  • scores: str The history of all score assignments for this session.
  • session_id: str The session ID.
  • states: str The history of states this session has been in.
  • tenant_id: str The tenant ID.
  • triggered_alerts: str The list of all alerts that were triggered by activity in this session.
class incydr.models.SessionsPage(*, items=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of sessions.


  • items: List[Session] The list of sessions returned by the query.
  • total_count: int The total count of sessions returned by the query.

Trusted Activities

TrustedActivity model

class incydr.models.TrustedActivity(*, activityActionGroups=None, activityId=None, isHighValueSource=None, description=None, principalType=None, type=None, updateTime=None, updatedByPrincipalId=None, updatedByPrincipalName=None, value=None, **extra_data)

A model representing an TrustedActivity.


  • activity_action_groups: List[ActivityActionGroup] The list of activity actions associated with the activity.
  • activity_id: str The unique identifier of the trusted activity.
  • description: str A description of the trusted activity.
  • principal_type: PrincipalType | None
  • activity_type: ActivityType | None The type of the trusted activity.
  • update_time: datetime | None The time at which the trust activity was last created or modified.
  • updated_by_principal_id: str | None The unique identifier of the user who last updated the trust activity.
  • updated_by_principal_name: str | None The username of the user who last updated the trusted activity.
  • value: str The value of the trusted activity.

TrustedActivitiesPage model

class incydr.models.TrustedActivitiesPage(*, totalCount=None, trustedActivities=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of TrustedActivity objects.


  • total_count: int Total count of trusted activities found by the query.
  • trusted_activities: List[TrustedActivity] The list of trusted activities retrieved from the query.


User model

class incydr.models.User(*, deviceUid=None, email=None, id=None, **extra_data)

UsersPage model

class incydr.models.UsersPage(*, users=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of User objects.


  • users: List[User] - The list of n number of users retrieved from the query, where n=page_size.
  • total_count: int - Total count of users found by query.

Role model

class incydr.models.Role(*, roleId=None, roleName=None, creationDate=None, modificationDate=None, permissions=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a role.


  • role_id: str - A role ID.
  • role_name: str - A role name.
  • modification_date: str - The date and time this role for the user was last modified.
  • creation_date: str - The date and time this role for the user was created.
  • permission_ids: str - The permission IDs associated with this role.

Risk Profiles (Deprecated)

Risk Profiles have been replaced by Actors.

RiskProfile model

class incydr.models.RiskProfile(*, active=None, cloudAliases=None, country=None, deleted=None, department=None, displayName=None, division=None, employmentType=None, endDate=None, locality=None, managerDisplayName=None, managerId=None, managerUsername=None, notes=None, region=None, startDate=None, supportUser=None, tenantId=None, title=None, userId=None, username=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a risk profile.


  • active: bool - Whether the actor is active.
  • cloud_alias: List[str] - List of cloud aliases for the actor.
  • country: str - The actor's country.
  • deleted: bool - Whether the actor has been deleted.
  • department: str - The actor's department.
  • display_name: str - The actor's display name.
  • division: str - The actor's division.
  • employment_type: str - The actor's employment type.
  • end_date: Date - Departure date for the actor
  • locality: str - The actor's locality (city).
  • manager_display_name: str - The actor's manager's display name.
  • manager_id: str - Unique actor ID of the actor's manager.
  • manager_username: str - The Code42 actorname of the actor's manager.
  • notes: str - Additional notes about the actor.
  • region: str - The actor's region (state).
  • start_date: Date - Starting date for the actor.
  • support_user: bool - Whether the actor is a support actor.
  • tenant_id: str - Unique tenant ID.
  • title: str - The actor's job title.
  • user_id: str - Unique actor ID.
  • username: str - actor's Code42 actorname.

RiskProfilesPage model

class incydr.models.RiskProfilesPage(*, totalCount=None, userRiskProfiles=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of RiskProfile objects.


  • total_count: int The total count of all risk profiles.
  • user_risk_profiles: List[RiskProfile] The list of n number of risk profiles retrieved from the query, where n=page_size.


Watchlist model

class incydr.models.Watchlist(*, description=None, listType, stats=None, tenantId=None, title=None, watchlistId=None, **extra_data)

A model representing an Incydr Watchlist.


  • description: str - Optional description for a custom watchlist.
  • list_type: WatchlistType - The watchlist type.
  • stats: WatchlistStats - Watchlist membership information. Includes included_user_count, included_department_count, included_directory_groups_count, and excluded_users_count.
  • tenant_id: str - A unique tenant ID.
  • title: str - Title for a custom watchlist.
  • watchlist_id: str - A unique watchlist ID.

WatchlistsPage model

class incydr.models.WatchlistsPage(*, totalCount=None, watchlists=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a page of Watchlist objects.


  • total_count: int - Total count of watchlists found by the query.
  • watchlists: List[Watchlist] - The list n number of watchlists retrieved from the query, where n=page_size.

WatchlistActor model

class incydr.models.WatchlistActor(*, addedTime=None, actorId=None, actorname=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a user whose associated with a watchlist.


  • added_time: datetime - The time the user was associated with the watchlist.
  • actor_id: str - Unique actor ID.
  • actor_name: `str - Actor name.

WatchlistUser model

WatchlistUser is deprecated. Use WatchlistActor instead.

class incydr.models.WatchlistUser(*, addedTime=None, userId=None, username=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a user whose associated with a watchlist.


  • added_time: datetime - The time the user was associated with the watchlist.
  • user_id: str - Unique user ID.
  • username: `str - Username.

WatchlistMembersListV2 model

class incydr.models.WatchlistMembersListV2(*, totalCount=None, watchlistMembers=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of watchlist members. Watchlist members are users who are on a list, whether it is because they are individually included, or because they are part of a department or directory group that is included.


  • watchlist_members: List[WatchlistActor] - The list of watchlist members.
  • total_count: int - Total count of members on the watchlist.

WatchlistMembersList model

WatchlistMembersList is deprecated. Use WatchlistMembersListV2 instead.

class incydr.models.WatchlistMembersList(*, totalCount=None, watchlistMembers=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of watchlist members. Watchlist members are users who are on a list, whether it is because they are individually included, or because they are part of a department or directory group that is included.


  • watchlist_members: List[WatchlistUser] - The list of watchlist members.
  • total_count: int - Total count of members on the watchlist.

IncludedActorsList model

class incydr.models.IncludedActorsList(*, includedActors=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of actors included on a watchlist. Included users are those that have been individually included on that list.

  • included_actors: List[WatchlistActor] - The list of included actors.
  • total_count: int - The total count of all included actors.

ExcludedActorsList model

class incydr.models.ExcludedActorsList(*, excludedActors=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of actors excluded from a watchlist. Excluded actors are those that have been individually excluded from that list.


  • excluded_actors: List[WatchlistActor] - The list of excluded actors.
  • total_count: int

IncludedUsersList model

IncludedUsersList is deprecated. Use IncludedActorsList instead.

class incydr.models.IncludedUsersList(*, includedUsers=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of users included on a watchlist. Included users are those that have been individually included on that list.

  • included_users: List[WatchlistUser] - The list of included users.
  • total_count: int - The total count of all included users.

ExcludedUsersList model

ExcludedUsersList is deprecated. Use ExcludedActorsList instead.

class incydr.models.ExcludedUsersList(*, excludedUsers=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of users excluded from a watchlist. Excluded users are those that have been individually excluded from that list.


  • excluded_users: List[WatchlistUser] - The list of excluded users.
  • total_count: int

IncludedDepartmentsList model

class incydr.models.IncludedDepartmentsList(*, includedDepartments=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of departments included on a watchlist.


  • included_departments: List[IncludedDepartment] - The list of included departments.
  • total_count: int - The total count of all included departments.

IncludedDepartment model

class incydr.models.IncludedDepartment(*, addedTime=None, name=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a department included on a watchlist.


  • added_time: datetime - The time the department was included on the watchlist.
  • name: str - Department name. Example: "Engineering".

IncludedDirectoryGroupsList model

class incydr.models.IncludedDirectoryGroupsList(*, includedDirectoryGroups=None, totalCount=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a list of directory groups included on a watchlist.


  • included_directory_groups: List[IncludedDirectoryGroup] - The list of included directory groups.
  • total_count: int - The total count of all included directory groups.

IncludedDirectoryGroup model

class incydr.models.IncludedDirectoryGroup(*, addedTime=None, groupId=None, isDeleted=None, name=None, **extra_data)

A model representing a directory group included on a watchlist.


  • added_time: datetime - The time the directory group was included on the watchlist.
  • group_id: str - A unique group ID for the directory group.
  • is_deleted: bool - Whether the included group was deleted by the directory provider but still referenced by the watchlist
  • name: str - The name of directory group. Example: "Research and Development".