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Audit Log Commands


View audit log events.


audit-log [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --log-stderr      Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT   Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT  Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

audit-log clear-checkpoint

Remove the saved audit log checkpoint from searches made with --checkpoint mode.


audit-log clear-checkpoint [OPTIONS] CHECKPOINT_NAME


  --help  Show this message and exit.

audit-log download

Download audit log events in CSV format. Returns up to the most recent 100,000 events that match the search criteria.

Use the --path option to specify where to save the CSV. Defaults to the current directory if not specified.


audit-log download [OPTIONS]


  --user-types TEXT          Filter events by user type. Comma delimited
                             string of user types.
  --resource-ids TEXT        Filter events by resource ID. Comma delimited
                             string of resource IDs.
  --event-types TEXT         Filter events by event type. Comma delimited
                             string of event types.
  --actor-names TEXT         Filter events by actor usernames. Comma-delimited
                             string of actor usernames.
  --actor-ip-addresses TEXT  Filter events by actor IP addresses. Comma-
                             delimited string of actor IP addresses.
  --actor-ids TEXT           Filter events by the actor IDs. Comma-delimited
                             string of actor user IDs.
  --end TEXT                 The end of the date range in which to look for
                             audit log events, argument format options are the
                             same as `--start`.
  --start TEXT               The beginning of the date range in which to look
                             for audit log events. Accepts a date/time in
                             yyyy-MM-dd (UTC) oryyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS (UTC+24-hr
                             time) format.
  --path DIRECTORY           The file path where to save the CSV. Defaults to
                             the current directory if not specified.
  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

Search audit log events. Returns all events that match the search criteria with paging.

Defaults to searching for most recent events.

Results will be output to the console by default, use the --output option to send data to a server.

Checkpointing is available through the --checkpoint <checkpoint-name> option and will only return new results on subsequent queries with that same checkpoint. Checkpointing filters by timestamp, additional filter options will need to be included in each run.


audit-log search [OPTIONS]


  --checkpoint TEXT               Use a checkpoint with the given name to only
                                  get search results that were not previously
                                  retrieved. If a checkpoint for the search
                                  with the given name doesn't exist, it will
                                  be created on the first run. Subsequent CLI
                                  runs with this option and the same name will
                                  use the stored checkpoint to modify the
                                  search query and then update the stored
                                  checkpoint.Checkpointing is most accurate
                                  with json outputs.  For table and csv
                                  formats, checkpointing will track the last
                                  returned event in the table.
  -f, --format [csv|json-lines|json-pretty]
                                  Format to print result. One of 'json-
                                  pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. 'table'
                                  format is unavailable due to long processing
                                  times for very large data sets.If
                                  environment has INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set,
                                  defaults to 'json-lines', else defaults to
                                  'json-pretty'.CSV output includes limited
                                  fields, use audit-log download for a more
                                  comprehensive CSV download.
  --user-types TEXT               Filter events by user type. Comma delimited
                                  string of user types.
  --resource-ids TEXT             Filter events by resource ID. Comma
                                  delimited string of resource IDs.
  --event-types TEXT              Filter events by event type. Comma delimited
                                  string of event types.
  --actor-names TEXT              Filter events by actor usernames. Comma-
                                  delimited string of actor usernames.
  --actor-ip-addresses TEXT       Filter events by actor IP addresses. Comma-
                                  delimited string of actor IP addresses.
  --actor-ids TEXT                Filter events by the actor IDs. Comma-
                                  delimited string of actor user IDs.
  --end TEXT                      The end of the date range in which to look
                                  for audit log events, argument format
                                  options are the same as `--start`.
  --start TEXT                    The beginning of the date range in which to
                                  look for audit log events. Accepts a
                                  date/time in yyyy-MM-dd (UTC) oryyyy-MM-dd
                                  HH:MM:SS (UTC+24-hr time) format.
  --columns TEXT                  Comma-delimited string of column names.
                                  Nested values should be specified in dot-
                                  notation. Limits output to contain only the
                                  specified columns in CSV or Table format.
                                  Ignored for JSON output formats.
  --ignore-cert-validation BOOLEAN
                                  Set to skip CA certificate validation for
                                  the TLS-TCP protocol. Incompatible with the
                                  'certs' option.
  --certs TEXT                    A CA certificates-chain file for the TLS-TCP
  --output TEXT                   Use to send the raw-json data in to a syslog
                                  server.  Pass a string in the format
                                  PROTOCOL:HOSTNAME:PORT to output to the
                                  specified server endpoint, where format is
                                  either TCP, TLS-TCP, or UDP (ex:
                                  TCP:localhost:5000). Also accepts strings of
                                  the format HOSTNAME and HOSTNAME:PORT.
                                  Defaults to TCP protocol on port 601. The
                                  --certs or --ignore-cert-validation option
                                  can be used with TLS-TCP format.  Note that
                                  most data will be too large to be sent via
                                  UDP protocol.
  --log-stderr                    Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                 Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT                Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.