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Cases Commands


View and manage cases.




  --log-stderr      Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT   Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT  Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

cases bulk-update

Bulk update cases from a file.

Takes a single arg FILE which specifies the path to the file (use "-" to read from stdin).

File format can either be CSV or JSON Lines format (Default is CSV).

Valid CSV columns that correspond to update-able case fields include:

  • number (REQUIRED) - Case number.
  • assignee - actor ID or username of the administrator assigned to the case. Performs an additional lookup if a username is passed.
  • description - Brief optional description.
  • findings - Markdown formatted text summarizing the findings for a case.
  • name - Case name.
  • status - Case status. One of ARCHIVED, CLOSED or OPEN.
  • subject - User ID or username of the case subject. Performs an additional lookup if a username is passed.


cases bulk-update [OPTIONS] FILE


  -f, --format [csv|json-lines]  Specify format of input file: 'csv' or 'json-
                                 lines'.  Defaults to 'csv'.
  --log-stderr                   Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT               Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

cases create

Create a case.


cases create [OPTIONS] NAME


  --description TEXT  Case description.
  --subject TEXT      User of the subject of the case.  Takes a user ID or a
                      username.  Performs an additional lookup if a username
                      is passed.
  --assignee TEXT     User of the assignee of the case. Takes an actor ID or a
                      username.  Performs an additional lookup if a username
                      is passed.
  --findings TEXT     Markdown formatted details of case notes.
  --log-stderr        Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT     Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT    Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

cases delete

Delete a case.


cases delete [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER


  --log-stderr      Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT   Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT  Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

cases download

Download one or more files related to a case to the specified target folder.

Defaults to downloading all files if no options are passed.

If more than one file is specified the download will be in ZIP format.


cases download [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER


  --path TEXT         The file path where to save the file. Defaults to the
                      current directory.
  --summary           Download a case summary in PDF format.
  --file-events       Download all file event data for a case in CSV format.
  --source-files      Download the source files for file events associated
                      with a case.
  --source-file TEXT  Download a source file for a specific event. Takes the
                      event ID. Incompatible with other download options.
  --log-stderr        Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT     Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT    Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

cases file-events

View and update file events associated with a case.


cases file-events [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.

cases file-events add

Attach file events to a case specified by CASE_NUMBER.

EVENT_IDS can be either a comma-delimited string of event IDs:

add CASE_NUMBER "id-1,id-2,id-3,..."

Or a CSV or JSON Lines formatted file:

add CASE_NUMBER @path_to_csv --format csv

add CASE_NUMBER @path_to_json --format json-lines

CSV format requires a header row and a column with name matching either "event_id" or "eventId".

Input can also be parsed from stdin using "-" as the command argument, so you can add events directly from an incydr file-events search command to a case:

incydr file-events search SEARCH_OPTIONS --format json-lines | incydr cases add CASE_NUMBER --format json-lines -


cases file-events add [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER EVENT_IDS


  -f, --format [csv|json-lines]
  --log-stderr                   Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT               Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

cases file-events list

List file events attached to a case.


cases file-events list [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER


  -f, --format TABLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'table', 'json-
                            pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. If environment has
                            INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                            lines', else defaults to 'table'.
  --columns TEXT            Comma-delimited string of column names. Nested
                            values should be specified in dot-notation. Limits
                            output to contain only the specified columns in
                            CSV or Table format.  Ignored for JSON output
  --log-stderr              Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT           Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT          Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

cases file-events remove

Remove file events from a case specified by CASE_NUMBER.

EVENT_IDS can be either a comma-delimited string of event IDs:

remove CASE_NUMBER "id-1,id-2,id-3,..."

Or a CSV or JSON Lines formatted file:

remove CASE_NUMBER @path_to_csv --format csv

remove CASE_NUMBER @path_to_json --format json-lines

CSV format requires a header row and a column with name matching either "event_id" or "eventId".

Input can also be parsed from stdin using "-" as the command argument, so you can remove all events from a case by sending the output of cases file-events list command into cases file-events remove:

incydr cases file-events list CASE_NUMBER --format json-lines | incydr cases remove CASE_NUMBER --format json-lines -


cases file-events remove [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER EVENT_IDS


  -f, --format [csv|json-lines]  Specify format of input file: 'csv' or 'json-
                                 lines'.  Defaults to 'csv'.
  -f, --format [csv|json-lines]
  --log-stderr                   Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT               Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

cases file-events show

Show details for a file event attached to a case.


cases file-events show [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER EVENT_ID


  -f, --format SINGLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'rich', 'json-
                             pretty', or 'json-lines'. If environment has
                             INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                             lines', else defaults to 'rich'.
  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

cases list

List all cases.


cases list [OPTIONS]


  -f, --format TABLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'table', 'json-
                            pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. If environment has
                            INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                            lines', else defaults to 'table'.
  --columns TEXT            Comma-delimited string of column names. Nested
                            values should be specified in dot-notation. Limits
                            output to contain only the specified columns in
                            CSV or Table format.  Ignored for JSON output
  --log-stderr              Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT           Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT          Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

cases show

Show details for a single case.




  -f, --format SINGLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'rich', 'json-
                             pretty', or 'json-lines'. If environment has
                             INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                             lines', else defaults to 'rich'.
  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

cases update

Update a single case. Pass the updated value for a field to the corresponding command option.


cases update [OPTIONS] CASE_NUMBER


  --assignee TEXT     The administrator assigned to the case. Takes a user ID
                      or a username.  Performs an additional lookup if a
                      username is passed.
  --description TEXT  Brief optional description.
  --findings TEXT     Markdown formatted text summarizing the findings for a
  --name TEXT         Case name.
  --status TEXT       Case status. One of `ARCHIVED`, `CLOSED` or `OPEN`.
  --subject TEXT      The case subject. Takes a user ID or a username.
                      Performs an additional lookup if a username is passed.
  --log-stderr        Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT     Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT    Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help              Show this message and exit.