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Risk Profiles Commands


View and manage risk profiles.


risk-profiles [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --log-stderr      Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT   Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT  Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

risk-profiles list

List risk profiles.


risk-profiles list [OPTIONS]


  -f, --format TABLEFORMAT        Format to print result. One of 'table',
                                  'json-pretty', 'json-lines', or 'csv. If
                                  environment has INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set,
                                  defaults to 'json-lines', else defaults to
  --columns TEXT                  Comma-delimited string of column names.
                                  Nested values should be specified in dot-
                                  notation. Limits output to contain only the
                                  specified columns in CSV or Table format.
                                  Ignored for JSON output formats.
  --support-user / --non-support-user
                                  Filter by support users or non-support
                                  users. Defaults to returning both when when
                                  neither option is passed.
  --deleted / --non-deleted       Filter by deleted or non-deleted users.
                                  Defaults to returning both when when neither
                                  option is passed.
  --active / --inactive           Filter by active or inactive users. Defaults
                                  to returning both when when neither option
                                  is passed.
  --locality TEXT                 Filter by locality (city).
  --region TEXT                   Filter by region (state).
  --country TEXT                  Filter by country.
  --employment-type TEXT          Filter by employment type.
  --department TEXT               Filter by department.
  --division TEXT                 Filter by division.
  --title TEXT                    Filter by job title.
  --manager TEXT                  Filter by manager.  Accepts a manager's user
                                  ID or username, performs an additional
                                  lookup if a username is passed.
  --log-stderr                    Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT                 Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT                Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

risk-profiles show

Show details for a risk profile.

Accepts a user ID or a username. Performs an additional lookup if a username is passed.


risk-profiles show [OPTIONS] USER


  -f, --format SINGLEFORMAT  Format to print result. One of 'rich', 'json-
                             pretty', or 'json-lines'. If environment has
                             INCYDR_USE_RICH=false set, defaults to 'json-
                             lines', else defaults to 'rich'.
  --log-stderr               Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT            Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT           Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

risk-profiles update

Update a risk profile.

Accepts a user ID or a username. Performs an additional lookup if a username is passed.


risk-profiles update [OPTIONS] USER


  --start-date TEXT   Update a user's starting date. Accepts a date in yyyy-
                      MM-dd (UTC) format.
  --end-date TEXT     Update a user's departure date. Accepts a date in yyyy-
                      MM-dd (UTC) format.
  --notes TEXT        Update the optional notes on a user's profile.
  --clear-start-date  Clear the start date on a user's profile. Incompatible
                      with --start-date.
  --clear-end-date    Clear the end date on a user's profile. Incompatible
                      with --end-date.
  --clear-notes       Clear the notes on a user's profile. Incompatible with
  --log-stderr        Enable logging to stderr.
  --log-file TEXT     Specify file path to write log output to.
  --log-level TEXT    Set level for Incydr client logging.
  --help              Show this message and exit.